31st May 2010 - Plymouth barbican through a fisheye lens.
An experiment - I borrowed an Opteka 0.20x Fisheye lens.
This lens fixes onto the front of an existing lens.
However as all I had was a 58-52 stop down ring I could only use an old EF24-80 lens.
The APC sensor crop factor meant that I did not get the whole fisheye effect circle.
Still I enjoyed walking around Plymouth barbican and here are the results.

The fisheye exagerates on the edges of the image, especially if there is an element close in the foreground.

There is an original fairground ride on the barbican. The circular construction mirrors the fisheye.

These images were taken very close to the gallopers.

Getting up close to pubs and buildings.

The railings on the Mayflower Steps gave me a strong foreground.

This is the plazza in frount of the national Marine Aquarium.

So what have I learnt?
- On an APC sensor you need a wide focal length lens - something like an 18mm to get the full effect.
- Find subjects with a strong foreground.
- You need to get close to your foreground.
- The standard lens focuses as usual and the camera's exposure systems work as normal.
- Focus is a little soft around the edges. I need to try a smaller f stop.
- I need a 67 - 58 mm step down to try this lens on my EF-S 17-85!.
- It's fun!.