25th April 2010 - Round 2 - Blue Chip Newquay Zapcat Grand Prix
SW 800 620 - Newquay's Fistral Bay is the host for Round 2
of the Blue Chip Newquay Grand Prix.
These images are from the Division Two finals.

Six Zapcats line up for the final.

The Zapcats are propelled into the air
as they meet the sets of incoming waves breaking in the bay.

First to flip is Team Relentless I, Westgate Buildings, boat 28.

The race is stopped to ensure the crew are not injured,

and to recover the zapcat before another restart.

Then it's time for "Who the Hell" boat 44 who have borrowed a hull
from the Go Commando team.

to flip their zapcat in spectactular style.

leaving another boat to be recovered.

Wih two retirements, for the first time ever
only two zapcats were left for the final restart.

The starter uses red flags to stop the race in the event of a boat
flipping or loosing the pilot or co-pilot. Orange flag for a restart,
yellow and green to restart the race.

Boat 10 SeaVation battles it out with boat 11 Bluesheets Racing II.

Boat 11 Bluesheets Racing II win the division two final.