Fozimage – Masthead - Campanile - Florence

8th April 2009 - St Paul de Vence

St Paul de Vence is another fortified hilltop village perché.

Take the 400 bus from Nice's Gare Routiére and some 50 minutes later we arrive at St Paul de Vence.

St Paul de Vence

Inside the medieval walls is a favourite haunt for artists, tourists and celebrities alike. The central street is know as Rue Grande, a roman road.

St Paul de Vence - Rue Grandee St Paul de Vence - Rue Grande St Paul de Vence - Rue Grande

Halfway along Rue Grande we find the Grande Fontaine which for a long time was the town's water supply.

St Paul de Vence - Grande Fontaine St Paul de Vence - Grande Fontaine

Halfway along Rue Grande we find the Grande Fontaine which for a long time was the town's water supply.

St Paul de Vence St Paul de Vence

Along Rue Grande there are several art shops.

St Paul de Vence - Grande Fontaine St Paul de Vence - artshop

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